So last Saturday on September 27th my school had a festival. The festival was also to celebrate the 204th anniversary of Bandung, so the festival was heavily imbued with Sundanese culture, because obviously Bandung is the capital of West Java. The title of the festival was Matswapati taken from a 'wayang' (somekind of dolls made from leather or wood and played with our hands) with the same name. Like I mentioned before, the festival was heavily imbued with Sundanese-ish culture shown by the decorations and foods available there. The festival took place at Bali St., in Lapangan Bali (Bali Field).
So at 7 in the morning, a parade that circled around Bali St. opened the festival, next there was a speech given by our headmaster, the mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil also came and gave a speech.
Next there was some performances I think, I couldn't remember what was which because I was busy keeping the decorations from falling apart. Moving on, at 12.30 there was a performance by our school's theatre kids, or also known as T'sT. It was hilarious, the performance was about a man who was being promiscuous but then he was discovered and yeah, followed by some more drama afterwards. But nonetheless it was fun watching it.
After that, hours passed by. At 5 pm the show was coming to its climax. The gate to the festival was about to be closed so there were many visitors who came around this time.
After a break, the guest star of the festival, Glen Fredly came along around 6.30 PM. He sang a number of his hit songs such as 'Terserah' and many more. Around 8 PM, I think, the festival was coming to the end, but sadly I couldnt see the closing ceremony because I went home earlier.