Monday, May 25, 2015

Puzzle time

Good Luck!

Good Luck!

Rama and Mia



Click a word in the puzzle to get started.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Hi! In this post I would like to share you my Q&A session with Alya Afifah, my classmate who went to OSK in Chemistry.

Q : Can you tell me your short biography?
A : My full name is Alya Afifah Bakhtiar. I was born on 11th april 2000. I am a descendant of Javanese and Sumatra or to be precise, Meda.
Q : Okay, since when do you know chemistry?
A :The very first time I know chemistry was in junior high, it was still the basic parts actually. However, I find it very interesting and I actually became fond of it in 9th grade, I also consider it as one of my favorite subjects since that time. It was sort of fun, I guess.
Q : How did you got into OSK?
A : It was actually a coincidence that I had a good luck that time. At frirst I was unsure because I have just started  exploring chemistry in late 2014. I thought I wouldn’t pass the the test, but then I actually passed. Moreover, I proceeded to the province Olympiad. What a surprise! I thanked God all the time for giving such a big chance.
Q : And finally, what is so special about chemistry?
A : I’m not really certain, it’s just fun you know, getting to know how things react, how it changes its form, shape, color, getting to know what will happen if you mix the wrong things. It’s like lesson of life.

Okay so that was a brief introduction to my brilliant classmates. I hope it is inspiring!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bandung Spot : Unique Parks

Hi! In this post I would like to share you my beautiful city, Bandung. Here we have many lovely spots to visit but now I will just describe the unique parks in Bandung.
Since the new mayor was elected there has been drastic changes here for example since early 2013 the government here has started revitalizing parks here to their former glorious condition. The names and themes of the parks have been also replaced in order to make it look more interesting.
A few of the new parks and their new looks are listed below:

Taman Musik Centrum ( Centrum Music Park)

This park was dedicated to musicians in Bandung, seeing that there are considerably large amount of them in this Paris van Java city.
This park is located between Belitung St. and Sumbawa St.

Taman Fotografi (Photography Park)

 This particular park was created to give space for the photography community for their benefits. Bandung has always been a city with a large amount of photographers.

Taman Lansia (Lansia Park)

The other name for this park is Cisangkuy Park. Lansia is an abbreviation for the word 'lanjut usia' which means senior citizens. As hinted by its name this park is dedicated for the senior citizens who would like to take a leisurely stroll through a park hence the park was created.

Taman Persib (Persib Park)

Persib is the name of Bandung's football club. As hinted by its name this park is essentially a football field for those football maniacs who would like to play football freely. Citizens can use the park freely after they book for their session.

Taman Film Bandung (Bandung Film Park)

This lovely park is dedicated for those who want to watch movies in large screen with their friends for free. It is fully equipped with large screen so it is very entertaining to visit this particular park.

So thats it! Those are few of the unique parks my lovely city has. please do visit them once in a while for it will not be a  waste of your time. Bye!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Song Description : Magic by Coldplay


Coldplay just released the first official single off their next album, Ghost Stories. The song "Magic" might just replace "Yellow" as one of their most-romantic songs. Fans everywhere wet their pants and then turned to their significant others to swoon, "This will be the song we dance to at our wedding."
"Magic," though, seems to fall squarely into their musical wheelhouse. It's more mellow than songs like their arena-shaking "Viva La Vida" or Mylo Xyloto's "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall." But, it fits nicely between singles like the aforementioned "Yellow" and their driving and soul-stirring "Fix You."
What's nice about "Magic" is the seemingly double-meaning behind the lyrics. Is the couple in question together or apart? There doesn't appear to be an easy answer. Take a look:
Call it magic
Call it true
I call it magic, when I'm with you
And I just got broken
Broken into two
Still I call it magic, when I'm next to you
Seems a little like the girl in question was the one to break him, suggesting they aren't together anymore. The song ends with lines that suggest whatever they've been through, they've managed to weather together.
And if you were to ask me
After all that we've been through
"Still believe in magic?"
Well yes, I do
Oh yes, I do
If that's the case, the song becomes especially powerful and almost too sweet. Then again, hasn't that melodramatic sweetness always been one of the things Coldplay have going for themselves?.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Probably The Only Cutest Thing Around Now.

Hai! In this post I would like to introduce you to my adorable friend here, quokka.
The quokka (/ˈkwɒkə/, Setonix brachyurus), the only member of the genus Setonix, is a small macropod about the size of a domestic cat. Like other marsupials in the macropod family (such as the kangaroos and wallabies), the quokka is herbivorous and mainly nocturnal. It can be found on some smaller islands off the coast of Western Australia, in particular on Rottnest Island just off Perth and Bald Island near Albany.
The quokka has no fear of humans and it is common for it to approach them closely, particularly on Rottnest Island. It is, however, illegal for members of the public on Rottnest Island to handle the animals in any way. An infringement notice carrying a A$300 fine can be issued by the Rottnest Island Authority for such behaviour. In addition, prosecution of the offense can result in a fine of up to $2,000.
You might know this animal from various posts in social media tagged as 'The Happiest Animal on Earth', well you are not wrong. This cute little marsupial always looks like an idiot smiling whenever they are in a photo. They are famous for their default smiling poses.
These are some of the famous quokka selfies around.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Dewa Athena

Hai! So in this post I would like to tell you my experience on 21st February. That day was the opening ceremony for the Dewa Athena program. Dewa Athena is a program for sport like a monthly sport contest. The opening ceremony for this program was Color Run. Fun fact : color run is an agenda where the participants run around a track while being sprayed or powdered by a colored compounds, which made the participants' clothes bathed in diverse colors. The color run took place around Lapangan Bali. The participants had to run around Lapangan Bali and then back to Lapangan Bali. At the end of the route the organizer of the run sprayed some colored water to the participants' clothes. After that Dewa Athena was officially started with some games.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Seven Colored Earth

The Seven Coloured Earth(s) (Terres des Sept Couleurs in French) are a geological formation and prominent tourist attraction found in the Chamarel plain of the Rivière Noire District in south-western Mauritius. It is a relatively small area of sand dunes comprising sand of seven distinct colours (approximately red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow). The main feature of the place is that since these differently coloured sands spontaneously settle in different layers, dunes acquire a surrealistic, striped colouring. This phenomenon can also be observed, on a smaller scale, if one takes a handful of sands of different colours and mixes them together, as they'll eventually separate into a layered spectrum. Another interesting feature of Chamarel's Coloured Earths is that the dunes seemingly never erode, in spite of Mauritius' torrential, tropical rains.

The sands have formed from the decomposition of volcanic rock (basalt) gullies into clay, further transformed into ferralitic soil by total hydrolysis; the two main elements of the resulting soil, iron and aluminium, are responsible for red/anthracite and blue/purplish colours respectively. The different shades of colour are believed to be a consequence of the molten volcanic rock cooling down at different external temperatures (hence rates), but the causes of their consistent spontaneous separation are yet to be fully clarified

Source :

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cuisine ; Tteokbokki (떡볶이)

Hello there! Now in this post I'd like to introduce to you a food that my family and I enjoy a lot. It is called tteokbokki (떡볶이; or also known as teokbokki, ddeokbokki, topokki, dukboki or simply tokpoki). It is a street Korean food which has gone worldwide. Tteokbokki is made out of soft rice cake boiled with korean sweet spicy red chili sauce. It tastes so delicious for my family and I that we often buy it so much. It tastes sweet and spicy at the same time and with various variation it has much more distinct taste. There are many variation of tteokbokki apart from the original one, there are cheese tteokbokki, ramen tteokbokki, noodle ttekbokki, and many more. We can also add many more ingredients to the mix to simply enhance the taste. The topping can also be altered to add the delicious taste. we can add vegetables, noddles, eggs, fried treats, fish cakes (reccomended),and so much more.
Tteokbokki originated back there in Korea, it was initially a royal food for the Korean royal family, the Joseon dynasty. But as time goes by globalization happens and this dish turned out to be very popular. Tteokbokki can also be found in medical records: a book called “신뇨찬요 (Shingnyo chanyo)” written by Jeon Sunui, a medical officer in the Joseon dynasty (1460). The purpose of the book was to cure people through food and tteokbokki was part of it. Nowadays we can find this dish in street vendor or high class restaurant.
Here is how you make 2-3 servings of this dish:
1 pound tteokbokki tteok* (about 24 3-inch long rice cake pieces)
1 sheet of eomuk (fish cake – aka oden)
4 ounces cabbage
1 – 2 scallions
*You can find these types of rice cakes either fresh, refrigerated or frozen, (in order of preference for this dish), at Korean markets.

3 cups anchovy broth (or water)
3 tablespoons Korean red chili pepper paste(gochujang)
1 – 3 teaspoons Korean red chili pepper flakes (gochugaru) – optional for extra heat
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon corn syrup (or 1 more tablespoon sugar)
2 teaspoons minced garlic

1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon sesame seeds (optional)

Make anchovy broth. Cut the fish cake, cabbage, and scallions into about 2-inch long pieces.

Add the anchovy broth (or water) to a large pan. Stir in the sauce ingredients, except the sesame oil and optional sesame seeds. Bring it to a boil over medium high heat, stirring to dissolve the red chili pepper paste (gochujang). 

Add the rice cakes. Boil until the rice cakes become very soft and the sauce is thickened, about 8 – 10 minutes. Stir frequently so the rice cakes don’t stick to the bottom of the pan.

Add the vegetables and fish cakes. Continue to boil, stirring constantly, for an additional 4 – 6 minutes. Taste the sauce, and adjust the seasoning if needed. Add the sesame oil and optional sesame seeds right before turning the heat off. Serve immediately.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Holiday of 2014

(Hi! So this is the very first entry I make in this year so I am very excited! Anyway, go on)
So, it’s holiday season again. Already done with the current semester when I was just getting the grip of it. Anyway, this holiday, christmas and new year (there’s gotta be some jolly yippie coming out of me somehow but really, nothing comes up) was spent with my families back in a scorching, hot city named Karawang. The weather was normally hot, believe me, I know since I spent a few years there, but recently the city has become an industrial area, making it even hotter somehow. Maybe because the fact that I got used to the chill weather of Bandung, so really, the scorching weather was utterly unbearable. My mom and my sister  went to Karawang by car in the morning, the journey lasted for 2 hours, more or less. When we got there it was conveniently on 12 o clock so the temperature was practically burning the nape of my neck. We stayed in my aunt’s house during our visit there, so I darted toward the house once we reached the house, seeking sanctuary from the burning heat inside the house. After having a painfully long kiss and greet session, I discovered the fan standing gloriously in the corner, excusing myself I scooted toward it and turned it on, gosh it felt like heaven breeze. So after that we unpacked our luggage and loaded them into the guest room. After that I took a bath because I simply needed one. Then my cousins and I watched a drama which titled in seasons.
The next day, after finishing the drama current season we were watching, my cousins and I wanted to stroll around the neighborhood, so we took the motorcycle and rode around. Well actually, I wasn’t the who was in the driving seat because can’t ride a motorcycle. Knowing this fact, my cousin cracked up and announced that I should learn how to before I leave from there. So after a journey to the nearest convenient store and buying some ice cream and much much chilled beverages required for everyone in the house, my cousin and I had a quick how-to-ride-a-motorcycle session. You might ask, why was it quick? Did I master it quickly? Well sorry to disappoint you, but it was a quick learning session because I fell too many times and cakes in dirt and can barely continue so I called it off. After that we took a bath (separatedly) and continued watching the next season of the drama.
I spent the next day by visiting my relatives in the town. We covered the area quickly and then my cousin from another line of relative (so many relative I lost count) told my cousin and I that there was an expo in the town’s  square. So we decided we should visit the expo. The expo was made to commemorate somekind of an annual event. There was a large group of things there, I bought some lenses for photography. My cousins also bought the same thing, they also got themselves some shirts. After that we did some more sightseeing and got back home.
The next day, my cousin had an appointment to make a driver’s license with our uncle. We woke up early and got ready to go. Why was I coming together? Because she thought I might need to get out of the house and do some more sightseeing, even though the temperature outside was reaching boiling point, huh. To make the said driver’s license we got to the traffic police’s department there and took a queue card. When her number was called she got into the room and did some tests and filled some forms too. After that we were told to wait a few more minutes for the license to come out. We had to wait a solid 3 and a half hours but finally the license was out and her photo came out funny so we had a good laugh at it, well, I did, ha ha.
So the next day was the last day we were in town. My mother, sister and I visited the graveyard of my grandmother. After that we visited the many relatives (once again) to bid goodbye. And then we took off to Bandung.